Tagged: cream
New Video: Hercules the french bulldog licking his Kong!
Hercules really enjoyed the new treat we put in his kong today.
New Video: Hercules french bulldog puppy plays in his toy box!
Hercules loves to jump in his toy box and play with all the toys he has.
New Pics: Hercules and Batpig
Hercules and his friend Batpig flaunting their cuteness!!
Twitter: Hercthefrenchie
You can now follow me on twitter at Hercthefrenchie 🙂
New Pics: Hercules Born to be Wild
Pictures of little Herc with his new shirt.
New Video: Hercules the french bulldog sleeping on the couch.
Hercules fell asleep on the couch after watching cartoons.
New Video: Hercules the French Bulldog loves to eat Greek Fage yogurt!
Little Herc loves to eat greek Fage yogurt. He begs to lick the container after we have breakfast. 🙂
New Video: Hercules the French bulldog in his new shearling.
It was very cold outside so little Herc wanted to wear his new shearling.
New Video: Hercules the french bulldog puppy playing with his friend the frog.
Hercules has a new friend froggy that he loves to attack during the day and snuggle with at night 🙂
New Video: Hercules the French bulldog loves his new kong toy!
Little Herc met a lot of friends today and decided to come home and play with his new kong toy!
New Video: Hercules loves lamb ears!
Hercules is nibbling on lamb ear in his bed.
New Video: Hercules french bulldog puppy barks!!
Little Hercules loves to show off his big bark!! woof!!
New Video: Our little puppy Hercules playing with new toys!
Little Herc received a big box of toys today from his uncle and is enjoying every moment!!
New Video: Hercules the french bulldog puppy first day home!!
Hercules is finally home! He ate, played a while, and went back in his crate. He was so happy when
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